{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "TouristAttraction", "name": "Iris Lodge Alpacas", "url": "https://www.irislodgealpacas.com", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "33 Dunks Lane Jilliby", "addressLocality": "Central Coast", "addressRegion": "NSW", "postalCode": "2259", "addressCountry": "AU" }, "geo": { "@type": "GeoCoordinates", "latitude": "-33.1234", "longitude": "151.1234" }, "telephone": "+61-467-950-470", }
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Farm Visit Packages for Families and Couples


Updated: Jan 19

Alpaca farm experience near Sydney

At Iris Lodge Alpacas, we offer tailored farm visit packages to suit families and couples looking for an authentic rural experience. Spend your day feeding alpacas, exploring our lush farmlands, and enjoying a delightful brunch.

Whether you’re planning a family outing or a romantic date, our packages are designed to make your visit memorable. With over 140 alpacas to meet and a range of activities to enjoy, there’s something for everyone at Iris Lodge Alpacas.

Check out our packages and book your visit today!



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